The Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examination, JSCFE
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Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examination, JSCFE


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How much is the examination fee?

Section 1 - £520
Section 2 - £1965 - applicable for all Section 2 examinations being held from 1 January 2024

Applicants for the Section 1 examination must pay £520 at the time of application. The Section 2 examination fee is £1965. This is payable when the application system is open for the Section 2 examination. Candidates will be emailed when the application system is open.

Q2. Where does the fee go?

The JSCFE is self-financing. The examination fee covers:

  • running costs of the Secretariat (salaries/pensions/premises)
  • production & delivery of the Section 1 Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examinations
  • production & delivery of the Section 2 Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examinations (including venue charges, catering, examiner travel & accommodation)
  • assessment of examiners at each Section 2 examination

Q3. Do Examiners receive payment for examining?

No. Examiners receive no payment for examining. Examiners all give freely of their time and are committed to the on-going development of the examinations.

Q4. Where is the examination held?

The Section 1 Examination is held in multiple countries across the world. Applicants are requested to specify their top three test centre preferences from the options available.

The Section 2 Examination will be held in one location per examination diet.

Q5. Are there any exemptions from the examination?

There are no exemptions from either Section 1 or 2 of the examination

Q6. What happens if I miss the closing date for an examination?

Closing dates are strictly adhered to. If you miss the published online closing date the examination will disappear from the calendar and you will be required to select the subsequent diet. If you have made a successful application then you are required to submit your supporting documentation by the published closing date. If you fail to meet the deadline your application will not go forward for eligibility and will automatically be transferred to the subsequent diet.

Q7. When will I know if I am eligible to sit the examination?

You will be informed by email 4 weeks after the closing date as to your eligibility status for entry to Section 1 of the Examination. Any applicant who is not granted eligibility will receive a full refund which will be credited to the original method of payment.

Q8. Reading list

A recommended reading list is not provided. Please refer to the syllabus for guidance. The syllabus defines the breadth and depth of knowledge, professionalism and clinical skills to be attained by surgeons in training. It specifies the levels of expertise to be anticipated at entry and at the various stages in training and defines the standards of competence expected on completion of the training programmes. The JSCFE adopts this standard as the one against which assessment will be made. The examination will assess various elements of applied knowledge, diagnostic skills, clinical judgement and professionalism. The syllabus can be downloaded from the JSCFE website.

Q9. Preparatory Courses

An extended briefing will be provided at the Section 2 Examination to prepare candidates immediately prior to the examination commencing. At present there are no preparatory/revision courses.

Q10. Do I need to let you know if I have a medical condition(s)

Please declare any special requirements at the time of application to ensure that suitable preparations can be made.

If you suffer from any medical condition that may render you being unable to attend the examination then you must notify the Specialty Manager, in writing, immediately after receiving the Eligibility to Proceed or Acceptance letter for the examination. A Medical Certificate is required for those withdrawing prior to an examination for medical reasons [including pregnancy and pregnancy-related illness].

Q11. What are the penalties if I withdraw from the examination?

You must give written notice if you wish to withdraw or transfer. Penalties will apply if you do so after a published closing date. Please refer to Fees & Penalties

Q12. What happens if I fail to get to the examination on the right day?

No allowance can be made if you are late for an examination or are absent as a result of misreading the examination schedule. This would not be counted as an attempt but you would lose your examination fee.

Q13. What happens if I am sick during the examination and cannot complete it?

If you are unable to complete the examination due to illness you must:

  1. Report your illness immediately to the Specialty Manager present and explain why you are leaving
  2. Visit a medical practitioner on the date in question and request the completion of a Medical Certificate form.
  3. A medical certificate must be provided
  4. The medical certificate must be dated on the day of the examination and sent to the Specialty Manager within five working days of the date of withdrawal.

Q14. Is there an Appeal Mechanism

Yes. It should be noted that an appeal cannot be made on matters relating to academic assessment and may only be made regarding the conduct of the examination. Appeals must be received within 20 working days of the last date of the examination in question.

Q15. What would happen if a candidate were to infringe the Examination Rules?

All candidates are required to agree to the Terms and Conditions at the time of application. Therefore, if you infringe any of the examination rules, including found to be in possession of any unauthorised recording device, you would automatically be deemed to have failed the examination.

Q16. What is the procedure for receiving examination results?

Section 1: results will be available within four weeks of the date of the examination. You will receive a formal letter from the Specialty JSCFE Lead by email with confirmation of your result. Your result letter will include a breakdown of your performance with confirmation that you have either achieved the required standard in Section 1 to proceed to Section 2 or that you have not.If you have not achieved the required standard in Section 1 your principal referee is sent a copy of your result letter if you have agreed to this when completing your application. No other feedback can be provided.

Section 2: results will be available within two weeks of the date of the examination. You will receive a formal letter from the Specialty JSCFE Lead by email with confirmation of your result. Your result letter will include a breakdown of your performance with confirmation that you have either been successful or unsuccessful in Section 2. If you have been successful in Section 2 we will send a certificate and your success is officially reported to the four surgical Royal Colleges.If you have not been successful in Section 2 your principal referee is sent a copy of your result letter if you have agreed to this when completing your application. No other feedback can be provided.